Monday 25 July 2011

Survivor Tocantins episode 5

Hi readers
Firstly, thanks for the glowing comments and recommendations about my blog. I have more readers than ever, and it’s thanks to you. This week’s blog is going to be a little shorter as I am because at University, so my blog takes backseat to studying…

The Exile Alliance
Taj and Stephan find the idol. It’s interesting that Taj gives the idol to Stephan to keep. Besides his moral obligations, he is not bound to give the idol back to her…it would be interesting if he uses it against her. They make a fake idol…is anyone stupid enough to fall for this again like Jamie, Erik and Phei Gee(China), Eliza and Jason (Micronesia) and Randy (Gabon) ?
Something that I noticed, irrelevant though, was that a lot of Brendon’s exile island confessions were edited and added to his strategy chat with Sierra at camp as a background thought of his…this just shows that there is not much to do at Exile Island besides talk.
Brendon made a potentially fatal move by saving Taj from joining him at Exile, and selecting Stephen instead. This could possibly alert his tribe about the likely cross tribal alliance that he is Tyson picks up, proving his intellect. Erinn seems to be fooled by Brendon’s choice. This further strengthens the battle line between Coach and Brendon.
Reward Challenge
The reward challenge was also seen as a variation in the latest season of Survivor South Africa. In think that JT, Sydney and Spencer did a good job on the balance beams.
Reward challenge was good and the letters from home was the cherry on top.
***Spoiler...future seasons will feature clues to the hidden immunity idol hidden amongst the reward items. We will get to see some catfights and brawls for these clues…not to be missedJ
Is Coach a fake? …Erinn seems to think so…how many people actually believe that he was once captured and held prisoner by an Amazon tribe? Well I will give Coach credit for his stories being very entertaining. But does he realize that he is being ridiculed or does he think that his tribe is in awe of him?
The fight for immunity
JT loses a tooth during the brutal immunity challenge.  This shows how tough he is. He should keep his tooth and put it under his pillow…maybe the tooth fairy will give him a million dollar reward…
Another injury during this challenge was Joe hurting his knee. We have seen tough contenders like James and Penner (Micronesia) be medivaced due to open cut infections. Let’s hope that Joe is ok…
I still foresee the future challenge rivalry between JT and Tyson getting stronger. It looks like, I a perfect merge situation, with equal numbers on both sides, JT and Tyson will be early targets…
Tyson nearly single handedly wins immunity for Timbira, and Spencer is in hot water for not performing well in the challenge.
Aftermath and Tribal Council
Stephen reveals that he is much more strategic than he looks. He admits to the camera that he can’t put all his faith in his exile alliance. Later, he considers voting out Taj to keep the idol for himself .Clearly he is not putting all his eggs in one basket, but will this make him seem to wishy washy and be a thorn in his side when pleading his case for the million dollars?
Taj has an outburst back at camp. This could ruffle a few feathers and put her in the hot seat. But one needs to consider the harsh environment that the survivors are subject to, and emotional outbreaks would.
Jalapoa has grown into a very tight group of six, and it is a very tough decision as to who to sacrifice for the good of the tribe…Stephan and Jt are close, Joe and Sydney have the flirt tactics going on, and it is likely that Taj and Spencer on the outside. Will Stephen decide to keep Taj around, blindside her, or return her idol for her to save herself?
Joe calls Taj out for possibly having the idol.  Her response shows why she is a good player. She is not lying to Joe when she says that she does not have it in her possession, yet she is keeping mum about finding the idol. Playing close to the line, but not crossing it can get you far…
Many people will be surprised by me saying this, but Joe should be targeted due to his injury. Jalapoa would need to consider whether Joe will be able to compete in future challenges.
The advantage of keeping spencer would be that he knows he messed up at the challenge, and he would work much hard to do his best next time. Also, this could have been a perfect chance to take out Taj. Spencer knows he is trouble and it’s no surprise that he is voted out. It’s sad to be such a competitor and fan and to have it taken away so quickly, but for a nineteen year old, he did great.
Next week’s episode gives us a refresher of the first 15 days at Tocantins. It’s unlikely that I may blog on this episode. So until I blog again…
A word of thanks once again to all my loyal readers. I’m a little surprised that many readers are from UK. Could someone from the UK please tell me what season is being shown there?